Lunar Resources


The Poles of the Moon are the most valuable real estate in the Solar System, Salt Lake City Tribune, February 3, 2018

Op-ed at Space News,  February 13, 2017

Author Q&A at Space.com, May 10, 2016

Interview at readara.com on The Value of the Moon, May 2016

2016 ASCE Columbia Medal award acceptance speech and talk, YouTube video (19 min.)

House Science Space Subcommittee testimony, 3 February 2016

Interview with Leonard David, 21 April 2015

Testimony to House Space Subcommittee, May 2013   Video of hearing (YouTube)

Interview posted at NASA Solar System Exploration web site, 2 July 2014

Human Spaceflight: Why and How? (submission to NAS Human Spaceflight Study, June 2013)

The Front Burner: Return to Moon will better advance planetary missions (Orlando Sentinel op-ed, May 31, 2013)

House Science Space Subcommittee testimony, May 2013


Develop Cislunar Space Next (Aerospace America, June 2012)


NASA's Mission to Nowhere (Spudis and Zubrin, May 31 2010) (PDF; 100 Kb)


The New Space Race (SpaceRef, Feb. 2010)  (PDF; 120 Kb)


Objectives Before Architectures - Strategies Before Tactics (SpaceRef, Sept. 2009) (PDF 150 Kb)


The Moon and the Vision for Space Exploration (New Space, 2009) PDF; 1.5 Mb

Going Beyond the Status Quo in Space (SpaceRef, June 28, 2009) PDF; 250 Kb

Presentation at Moon-Mars Forum, Hampton VA March 2009 (PDF; 4 Mb)


The Vison for Space Exploration: Quo Vadimus? (ISDC, May 2007) PDF, 1.2 Mb


A Moon Full Of Opportunity (The Space Review, Jan 22, 2007)


Interview with �Out of the Cradle� web site, Feb 2006


Book Review (Return to the Moon by Harrison H. Schmitt, American Scientist, May-June 2006)


Why we're going back to the Moon (Washington Post Dec 2005)

Comments at last Aldridge Commission meeting, New York, June 2004

The Space Program and the Meaning of Life (unpublished op-ed, August 2004)


House Science Space Subcommittee Testimony (Apr 1 2004)


A Golden Frontier (Washington Times Dec 2003)


Senate Science Space Subcommittee Testimony (Nov 6, 2003)


Scientist Profile, Earth and Sky web site, January, 2003


Next, Go Back to the Moon, (space.com March 2000)


Apollo: An American Victory in the Cold War (unpublished op-ed, July 1999)




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Spudis Lunar Resources was created by renowned planetary geologist Paul D. Spudis (1952-2018) and is archived by the National Space Society with the kind permission of the Spudis family.font>

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